
Troop 503 and 535 Key West Summer Camp 2011

Just beautiful

 Luis sleeping

 Luis and Jason in a kayak

 Bro. Kelly Probst

Daniel and Pryce sleeping

 Bro. Gary Jensen

Joshua, Daniel and Calvin observing a Horseshoe crab Bro. Probst caught


Calvin's Eagle Project

Calvin Jetton 2011 Eagle Project

Group Photo

Keith, Jordan and Nate helping Calvin with his project.

Getting everything into place

Removing Junk
Bishop Hunter hard at work

Calvin,Kris, Anthony, Luis and Adam setting the fire pit.

Adam, Kris, Daniel and Luis making a mold for the fire pit

Fire pit complete.

Anthony and Bro. Mike Pulver taking a well needed break on the new benches.

Panoramic view of entire project.
All for one and one for all